
Stanfield’s is a stand-out Canadian company offering quality products with superior longevity and warmth! Here at The Real Wool Shop, we are proud to offer Stanfield’s long underwear, socks, and hats in both Men’s and Women’s styles. Read on to learn more about Stanfield’s history and the care they put into their craft!

History of Stanfield’s

Charles E. Stanfield and his brother-in-law, Samuel E. Dawson, founded the Tryon Woollen Mill in 1856 which would go on to grow into the brand we know and love today. This first mill was located in Tryon, Prince Edward Island, but in 1870, Charles decided to move on to Nova Scotia where he established the Truro Woollen Mill. After a bit of time expanding his business, Charles decided to return their focus to Truro and renamed the mill the Stanfield Mill. As the company continued to grow, they moved into a larger building along the Salmon River where they have been located since 1882!

Eventually, Charles passed on his company to his sons who made the brave and successful decision of specializing in knitted clothes. They developed their famous “Shrink-proof Process” which set them apart from the competition. During the Klondike Gold Rush in 1897, their unshrinkable underwear became a must-have for prospectors and miners. Then, during World War I, they produced wool blankets, knitting yarn, and clothing which greatly helped them expand the company.

Advancements being made during the 1920s saw Stanfield’s switching to peroxide bleaching which didn’t leave unwanted odours like sulphur bleaching, and wool carbonization which made their products much softer. This was also when synthetic fabrics began to be introduced which, for early 20th century producers, was revolutionary.

Stanfield’s great success throughout their rich history has helped them grow into the company they are today. They have been a staple in Canadian clothing popularizing some of the styles, fabric blends, and processes still in fashion today!

Stanfield’s Today

Stanfield’s is still the leading brand when it comes to quality, longevity, warmth, and comfort. You can shop for Stanfield products at The Real Wool Shop both in-store and online. We carry many of their staple items including long underwear (shirts, pants, and onesies), socks, and hats. Stanfield products are a must-have for outdoor enthusiasts, those working outside, or anybody who finds themselves needing some extra warmth during the cold seasons! These Canadian essentials are made by one of our favourite Canadian brands! Most of the Stanfield products we carry are made from our favourite textile, wool! You can read our blog about why you should choose wool year-round to learn more about the incredible benefits wool can have for you!

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